It froze ok (as opposed to not at all with some alcohol based ice creams) but my ice cream was kind of icy rather than super creamy. I figured I'd write about it even though I don't have time to make edits to my recipe and retry it before St. Patrick's Day, so what I'll do is share the recipe with a follow up of what I would try if I make it again.

3 large eggs
2 cups Bailey's Original Irish Cream Fat Free Coffee Creamer
1 cup heavy cream
Whisk the three eggs in a bowl until pale yellow. Bring the Bailey's Coffee Creamer to a simmer on the stove. Once simmering, remove from stove and pour the hot cream into the into the whisked egg. Whisk until well mixed. Pour the entire mixture back into the sauce pan, and cook over low heat while mixing constantly until the mixture thickens. Once thickened, move the mixture from the stove, then pour through a strainer into a clean bowl. Allow the mixture to cool for a bit and add the heavy cream.
Cover and refrigerate until cool.
Freeze in your ice cream maker according to manufacturer's directions.
So here are my thoughts. If I made this again, I'd have to color it green. White for St. Patty's?! What was I thinking? I'd also try the "fat" version for a little more creaminess and less iciness.
Here's what my friend and I thought. Neither of thought it tasted very much like Irish Cream. The flavor just got too diluted out with the extra ingredients and I think it was lost in the freezing -- freezing always mellows flavor. My friend thought it tasted "nutty," almost hinting at "pistachio." I kept thinking it reminded me of cake cones. You know, the flat bottomed ones they serve soft serve in? I don't know if that's the right name but that's what I found to call them when I looked them up. Anyway, I don't really find those cones have much flavor, so the ice cream was almost like a sweet cream ice cream with no particular flavor of its own. As for the iciness, my friend said "I know what you mean about it being icy but it's really not that bad." Very diplomatic friend! She's a good one!
Truthfully though, I'm saving my creamer for Tina's shakes! Last night, my friend and I tried making Tina's Shamrock Shake with the Fat-Free Original Irish Cream Creamer (since I didn't have Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream in the house we couldn't make the Muddy Leprechaun -- and yes, T, I LOVE the name!) and we loved it! Who would have thought that coffee creamers make the perfect shake!
Here's what my friend and I thought. Neither of thought it tasted very much like Irish Cream. The flavor just got too diluted out with the extra ingredients and I think it was lost in the freezing -- freezing always mellows flavor. My friend thought it tasted "nutty," almost hinting at "pistachio." I kept thinking it reminded me of cake cones. You know, the flat bottomed ones they serve soft serve in? I don't know if that's the right name but that's what I found to call them when I looked them up. Anyway, I don't really find those cones have much flavor, so the ice cream was almost like a sweet cream ice cream with no particular flavor of its own. As for the iciness, my friend said "I know what you mean about it being icy but it's really not that bad." Very diplomatic friend! She's a good one!
Shamrock Shake and Irish [Ice] Cream |
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Oh my goodness, did you notice that in the description of the "cake cones" on Amazon, one of the bullet points is that "Higher cross ribs in the bottom of the cup reduces the amount of soft serve a [sic] inside the cone"?! How terrible to want to cheat people out of soft serve!!! :)
Really?! That's crazy, A!
BTW, Kevin reminded me they are called WAFER cones. I knew cake cones wasn't right but I couldn't remember what to call them!
Ice Cream for Breakfast Day is March 21 - Fight Cancer - Celebrate Life. Join the Facebook Event created by Bruce Rosenberg who died just nine days before the holiday he created.!/events/128863913872934/
If you do a Google search on "wafer cones", there doesn't seem to be any sort of consensus, they just have to be made out of the wafer-cookie-type material..."cake cones", on the other hand, seems more solid on what you were thinking of. But! I do agree with you both that most places categorize those as "wafer cones" to distinguish them (plus, who's ever heard the term "cake cone"?!?). Still - odd! Love learning weird new things like that... :)
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