Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ice Cream for Breakfast Day 2012

I'm having ice cream for breakfast this morning...I just found out it was Ice Cream for Breakfast Day 2012. I must have known in the back of my head because I bought more ice cream at the store the other day than I have in a long time. Good planning. Lots of choices this morning!

You can read more about this super fun day here. The best part about the post is the first comment on the post, which came from the grandchild of the founder of this awesome day:
Thanks, Bethany, for posting about Ice Cream for Breakfast Day! My grandmother, Florence Rappaport, came up with this idea about 45 years ago and somehow it has taken on a life of its own! It originated as a way to break up the winter blahs on the 1st Saturday in February. My aunt and uncle (Ruth and Joe) are fun people and they had a network of fun friends, and who can resist ice cream anyway? So, people kept up the tradition and now it is an international holiday! My grandmother was always a bit baffled at how this happened! But she would be pleased to know that it is being enjoyed by so many people!
How cool is that?! I love that Mrs. Rappaport came up with this idea and that it just took off (with a little help from Uncle Joe and Aunt Ruth!)

If you need inspiration, you can also be inspired by the waffle sundae (photo above) that I posted about the other day.

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