Monday, February 20, 2012

Ben and Jerry's VIP Experience (Part I)

A few months ago I got an email from Liz in PR at Ben & Jerry's asking if I wanted to come up for VIP treatment at the Burlington Office. I told her no, I really don't like ice cream and she should find someone else. Just kidding. I said yes. I didn't write much (ok, or anything) about it because I didn't even know what it was.

I didn't know what an amazing experience it would be for an ice cream lover like me. This is just a teaser post though. I can't write too much because we are off to dinner in a few.

It's just five of us bloggers total (a perfectly sized group) and our day included a tour of the Waterbury factory, a meeting with Quality Control and Manufacturing, a meeting with Jostein Solheim (CEO of B&J), ScoopU (I am getting to be a pro at the 3oz scoop!), playtime in Research and Development, and a chance encounter with Ben and Jerry themselves. Photos to follow!

Here's a little video of Diana (of and Kirsten (R&D at B&J) swirling together honey greek  frozen yogurt with pistachios with a fig swirl (one of our creations). John (R&D at B&J) and Lindsay of The Stir at Cafe Mom talk in the background.

Lots more soon!

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