Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ice Cream Cupcake Contest Deadline is 8 days away

The deadline for the 2011 Ice Cream Cupcake Contest, June 15, is right around the corner.  Enter for your chance to win an entire library of cookbooks . . . check em out at the end of this post!  WOW! 

All the information you need to enter is in our original contest post and amazing entries have already come in. Check them out on Cupcake Project's Facebook page.

Win this library of cookbooks....enter by June 15!

Prizes from:

Author Krystina Castella:


Authors Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough:


Nicole Weston, author and contest judge:

Jessie Oleson, author and contest judge (to be delivered upon book release):


Emma Hand, creator of Snap Stories and designer of our amazing new Ice Cream Cupcake Contest logo:

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