Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vote For Your Favorite Eagle Brand Ice Cream Recipe!

As Tina mentioned, I was a bit tied up lately (thanks for the good wishes -- we are totally enjoying our time with Violet!), but at the same time, I am told I can't move around too much so it's a good time to catch up on the blog while I also catch up on LOST. (Yep, Kevin pulled me and now we are addicted!)

Anyway, it's time now to vote for our entries in the Eagle Brand Ice Cream Recipe Contest. Scroll to the bottom of this entry for the ballot and please be sure to vote by Tuesday, August 31st, 11:59 PM EST.

In alphabetical order, here they are (please follow the links below the images to read more about the flavor and the recipe):

Thanks to everyone for their fabulous entries! Once things calm down a bit here, I hope to try them out. Yes, Violet is going to be a huge ice cream fan just like her mom -- we need to get her started early, and these will probably do the trick!