Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chilly Cocktails for a Hot Summer Day

Just in time for all those labor Day parties....cool summer cocktails! This past Friday on The Early Show Somer Perez, a mixologist of Couture Cocktail Concepts, had me running for my blender with these hot summer cocktails. Try em out this weekend and we'd love to know how they were. Enjoy! 


Poppin' Pomegranate 
Whole Foods Pomegranate Sorbet* 
Zyr Vodka*
Simple Syrup 
Pop Rocks Candy (to rim glass)

Ice Creamed Brazilian Mojito 
Haagen-Daz "5" Mint Ice Cream*
Leblon Cachaca*
Brown Sugar 

(if anything check out the Couture Cocktail Concept web site....LOVE it....typography is so elegant and chic and the less is more design is truly beautiful

*try these brands if you can but I am sure any brand will do

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