Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ben & Jerry's "Chubby Hubby" is now "Hubby Hubby" for a Great Cause

Ben & Jerry never ceases to amaze us here at Scoopalicious. Beginning this week Ben & Jerry's is temporarily renaming their hugely popular “Chubby Hubby” ice cream to “Hubby Hubby” in celebration of the start of legalized gay marriage in its very own home state, Vermont. So for the next 30 days Ben & Jerry's, in partnership with Freedom to Marry, will show their sweet support of a great cause and is truly hoping this will raise awareness of how important marriage equality is not only in Vermont but everywhere.

As the state motto goes...Vermont truly is for lovers (& not just ice cream lovers!)! 


  1. Ben & Jerry are seriously awesome. Bravo to them.

  2. It takes guts for a company to take a stand like that, but what could be sweeter reason than marriage?
