Monday, October 6, 2008

The Presidential Ice Cream Debate goes on

First it was the cone vs. the dish and now its Flavor Debate 2008.

Looks like our friends over at Baskin-Robbins are jumping on the presidential trail and are offering up a couple special flavors in honor of the 08 elections and they want you to help decide who wins. Are you up for a Whirl of Change or are you more about Straight Talk Crunch? First there's Team Obama's Whirl of Change...Peanut-Nougat ice cream whirled with chunks of chocolate-covered peanut brittle and a caramel ribbon. OMG...this one got me on the first word, peanut, who doesn't love peanut butter with a caramel bonus?. And then there's Team McCain's Straight Talk Crunch....Caramel ribbon, chocolate pieces, candy red states and crunchy mixed nuts swirled into White Chocolate ice cream. Looks like trouble...caramel and chocolate.

Before the debates on Friday night, Bethany got in the
spirit by heading to her nearest Baskin-Robbins in Belmont and tried a scoop of each -- as did her friend from out of town who was visiting. Husband apparently is an ex-Pat because he didn't even try the presidental flavors and opted for Jamoca Almond Fudge. On the car ride home Friend and Bethany's conversation sounded like this: "Oh...yum! Hm, I think I like Obama better...mmm, no, I really like this McCain...mmm, maybe Obama is better...or is it McCain?..." Clearly we had a hard time deciding. In the end, it was a draw. Friend-who-shall-remain-nameless voted for McCain's Straight Talk Crunch, while Bethany had to say the peanut brittle in Obama's Whirl of Change won her over.

Cast your vote now for the next great flavor and check back in November to see if your flavor choice makes a true match. And according to Baskin-Robbins rep, Sara (thanks Sara for the treats!), the two flavors are available at all locations so you don't have to make this a blind vote...go try em out first.

And on Nov 4th make an even more important decision and Rock the vote for the next president. Because every vote counts and if you don't vote you can't make a difference.

, and P.S. If you do want to show your support on a tee for ice cream and Obama (remember, he's a hard ice cream in a cone kind of guy) can do so here...Requests for McCain? We can do that too...


  1. ok not fair! forcing my tastebuds to fit into some political stance they don't believe in!? Simply for the love of caramel! Damn you politicos!!!

  2. I absolutely love the Leonardo DiCaprio "don't vote" link...thanks for sharing it!

    And, I can't wait to try out the 2 Baskin Robbins flavors!
