Thursday, July 18, 2013

America's Best Cities For Ice Cream

Does your favorite city make the list? This Travel & Leisure article on America's Best Cities For Ice Cream comes out with perfect timing as we all travel the country this summer and making stops at all the best local ice cream shops. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my own state capital almost made #1. Sadly I have to admit I was surprised at how well it ranked but really I am always testing ice cream on the go and through our travels. Makes you realize how you really don't take advantage of what's on your own front doorstep sometimes. Oh well, now gives me a good excuse to hit my own big city for a scoop. Oh and I got so excited about PVD being on the list that I originally never made it further down the list and was even more excited to see our own Beantown made #8....this I have to agree on. Between Toscanini's, Christina's, Emack & Bolio, and JP Licks Boston really has many scoop shops that rank high on our own list.

So who made the list...

#1 Savannah, GA (agreed... Leopolds is to die for!)
#2 Providence, RI (I am not in search for the PVD Pops Pushcart)
#3 Nashville
$3 San Francisco
#5 San Diego
#6 Portland, ME (have girls weekend planned there soon...have to head to to Gelato Fiasco)
#7 Austin, TX
#8 Boston, MA (we agree...Christina's is a must try in Beantown!)
#9 Honolulu
#10 NYC (ooh I have to try Victory Garden's goat milk soft serve)

.....check out the article to see who else tops the list.

Have you made it to an awesome city with great ice cream? We want to hear all about it!

1 comment:

  1. We love the blog! And we love ice-cream.
    The other day we found an ice-cream-vending machine which was really amazing:

    Greetings from Germany,

    Birdy and Bambi
