Thursday, July 12, 2012

Seattle! Boston! New York! Portland (OR)! B&J Truck Tour!

Sometimes our posts are area specific. (Sorry those of you who don't live in the cities listed in the post title...) And sometimes they are a bit late. (Sorry L.A., D.C., Miami, and San Fran...) We are truly sorry about leaving people out at times, but feel free to let us know of something local to you that you may want us to post about!

Anyway, Boston, Seattle, New York, and Portland...there's still time for you ask Ben & Jerry's to stop by your neighborhood so you can get some FREE Greek Frozen Yogurt! It's all about social media these days. Tweet away! Terrence (below) explains how it works in New York City, but it seems to be pretty much the same for Boston, Seattle, and Portland, too.

East Coast, (that's you, New York and Boston) tweet Ben & Jerry's at @BenJerrysEast...

West Coast, (hey...Seattle and Portland, listen up!) tweet Ben & Jerry's at @BenJerrysWest.

For further info, visit the 2012 Truck Tour page.

[Scoopalicious is celebrating National Ice Cream month with a Post-A-Day throughout the month of July!]

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