Friday, July 27, 2012

2012 Ice Cream Cupcake Winner

We are more than pleased to announce the winner of the 2012 Ice Cream Cupcake Contest! The winner is: Ice Cream Cupcake Peanut Butter Cups by Confessions of a Bright-Eyed Baker.

A big congrats to Confessions of a Bright-Eyed Baker and thank you to everyone who entered. We were not envious of the judges who had to choose from so many winning recipes! Thank you again to:

Our Judges: 
Stephanie Nuccitelli from 52 Kitchen Adventures
Lindsay Ann from Dollhouse Bakeshop
Melissa Johnson from Best Friends for Frosting

Our Sponsors:
Sucre Shop
Heather Baird

And thank you again to everyone that entered! We love your enthusiasm, your ideas, your creativity and your passion.

And finally, thank you, thank you, thank you to Stef of Cupcake Project who always manages to do an amazing job at spearheading this contest every year.

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