Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy National Irish Cream Day!

Sorry I happened to stumble across a National Food and Drink Day calendar and it inspired me for posts! So today happens to be National Irish Cream day...hmmm...gotta say I love it with coffee but that has nothing to do with ice cream. Recently Baileys Coffee Creamers contacted us to see if we wanted to promote their Coffee creamers and the both of us scratched our head thinking but how do we incorporate it into ice cream. We all love free samples but really it has to be relevant, right?! My first thought was a mocha milk shake with irish cream creamer mixed in YUM! Hopefully you'll see  a future post on that but in the mean time we've also found some great recipes using the true thing. Here's a recipe straight from Ice Cream Ireland for some great Irish Cream Liqueur Ice Cream...enjoy!