Friday, October 7, 2011

CakeSpy's awesome book comes with 4 weeks of giveaways

So excited one of our favorite bloggers has an awesome new book that just arrived...CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life. We are so proud of you CakeSpy! It looks amazing. Stay tuned for our very own write up on Scoopalicious about this yummy book!

And she is in the Halloween spirit and wants to share the joys of sweets with all of you. So this month CakeSpy is raffling off one book a week for four weeks. All you have to do is answer her one simple question....Candy Corn or Mellowcreme Pumpkins on her blog or her Facebook page.

I know what my answer is...Mellowcreme pumpkins all the way! Mellowcreme topping on pumpkin ice cream sounds even better!

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