Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tweet comes the ice cream man

As much as the good old ice cream truck jingle is nostalgic I love the idea of hearing the ice cream truck via tweets. So 2011. That's what RCN Boston, a local provider of digital tv, internet and phone, is doing to grab the attention of anyone in the Greater Boston and Metro west areas who loves free, with a capital F, ice cream. Regardless if you have RCN, like em or hate em, the ice cream is yours free. They have their very own summer ice cream truck that travels through neighborhoods handing out ice cream to local residents. The trick is you must follow the RCN Boston Ice Cream Truck Twitter handle @RCNBoston1 on Twitter to learn where and when the RCN Sumer Ice Cream Truck will be. Pretty cool concept. Now if only it would roll through Post Office Square this summer we'd be golden. I am going to follow it and see if it ends up in one of our areas. Stay tuned.

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