Saturday, July 2, 2011

CakeSpy breaks the tie....the ice cream cupcake contest winner is......

60 entries later and an exciting ending of a tie breaker by CakeSpy finally brings us a winner. Drum roll please.....the winner of the 2011 ice cream cupcake contest hosted by us and Stef at Cupcake Project is the Honey Hazelnut Cupcake with Gianduja Gelato by Vivian of Vivian Macaron. She is going to get an awesome library of cookbooks.

A special thanks to our celebrity judges...

Nicole Weston from Baking Bites
Jessie Oleson from CakeSpy
Naomi Robinson from Bakers Royale

Thanks to all who entered and for bringing even more creativity and flavors then we've ever seen! Can't wait to see what the 2012 contest brings!

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