Thursday, June 2, 2011

Women's World Dishes on the Best Frozen Yogurt -- And Includes Us!

We know summer is coming around when we hear from Woman's World asking for our opinion for their "You Deserve the Best" column. Since we answered back in the beginning of April, I kind of forgot about it, and it was a nice surprise to get an email yesterday from our contact over at the magazine telling us the article would be hitting the stands today! It's always fun to be a part of this Woman's World feature and so we are glad they keep coming back to us to contribute! Thanks WW!

Check it out on newsstands (or read below!) This time we talk frozen yogurt...

(Note: If you are really excited to read what we say, you can skip ahead -- we are the bottom right blurb -- but I'd suggest reading them all because there are some good suggestions!)

I am going to have to try some of the other suggestions on the page too...I'm especially craving that Stonyfield Farm Chocolate from the description above! (Too bad it's 11:30 PM as I write this...!)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Instead of Bethany, can I just start calling you Ice Cream Maven or IC Maven for short? ;)
