Sunday, April 3, 2011

Google Doodle Celebrates The Sundae!

Go to the Google homepage today and you'll see the Google Doodle as a tribute to the ice cream sundae.

Why? Supposedly it's the 119th anniversary of the ice cream sundae.

As much as I love Google's nod to ice cream culture, I have a couple of thoughts on this.

First of all, why on earth are they celebrating the 119th anniversary? It's kind of an random anniversary to celebrate. Barry Schwartz at Search Engine Roundtable thinks they might be highlighting this holiday in connection to their Android 4.x release, nicknamed "ice cream."

Secondly, there are a few controversies about this. One, is it really the 119th anniversary? Head over to the Search Engine Roundtable for more on this. The other is that the poor mothers in the UK got kind of dissed, as it's Mothering Sunday over there, and some think that they deserve their regular Google Doodle.

Thanks to my friend SC for passing along the Search Engine Roundtable article on this.

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