Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Perfect Scoop's Aztec "Hot" Chocolate Ice Cream.

I know I have written before about how much I love custard based ice creams, but just the other day I really wanted to make a chocolate ice cream and found a recipe that didn't use eggs and thought I would give it a try. Um, YUM.

I whipped out my copy of The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments and was about to make the regular chocolate ice cream until I came across the recipe for “Aztec ‘Hot’ Chocolate Ice Cream” and decided to be a little daring. I pretty much followed Lebovitz's recipe, but made one replacement because I am trying to clear out my cupboards of things I don't use that much. Following a tip at the bottom of the recipe, I put in the ancho chile powder instead of regular chili powder to give it an extra oomph. Additionally, I made the executive decision to replace regular cinnamon with Saigon Cinnamon, something I once thought was a good idea to buy from Costco even though I had never tried it. Now while it has a nice flavor with a nice little kick, I don't have a clue what to do with seven ounces of Saigon Cinnamon. Well, now I do.

The combination of the Saigon Cinnamon and the Ancho Chili Powder mixed in with the chocolate was wonderful. First you get a lovely taste of chocolate with a touch of spiciness. As the ice cream is melting onto your tongue, you are left with a surprise kick (which I found to be "kickier" in some spoonfuls than in others).

The texture of this eggless ice cream was not icy as I often find eggless ice creams to be, but incredibly smooth and silky.

A definite must try.

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