Friday, November 19, 2010

Yippee we have a finalist..PLEASE VOTE NOW for Sundae #3

In Holly's eyes (my 5 year old) she is already a winner just having her creation chosen as a finalist for the Turkey Hill Super Sundae contest. The fun part now is voting, voting, voting for her "It's a Party" Sundae #3 and keeping our fingers crossed that it comes out on top. I told her if she wins she can use the supply of ice cream for an ice cream party for her class so she is even more excited to come in first place of course.

So Pretty Please With a Cherry on Top go to Turkey's Hill blog and vote for Holly's "It's a Party" Sundae #3 as the best Super Sundae!

TO VOTE...just leave a comment at the bottom of the post about the finalists.

The finalist....and hopefully the winner!
"It's a Party" Sundae Creation by Holly

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