Thursday, November 11, 2010

Entry #1 for Turkey Hill's Super Sundae Contest

Here's the gist of the contest...make up a recipe using Turkey Hill Ice Cream for a sundae, name it and take a fabulous photo of it. Not so tough so I thought I'd give it a shot. This is my entry titled "Oh Snap"!

Oh Snap
Turkey Hill Ginger Snap Ice Cream sandwiched between two Pepperidge Farms Gingerman cookies drizzled with Dark Chocolate Fudge Sauce, Caramel sauce, and topped off with Whipped Cream

Once all entries are in they will choose four of their favorite entries as semi-finalists and will post them in November (contect ends the 14th) and then its up to you to vote and the sundae with the most votes wins. Keep your fingers crossed that you get the chance to vote for my Oh Snap concoction. I have to say for was quite good!

Stay tuned for Entry #2 made with love by the other ice cream lover in my house

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