Monday, May 31, 2010

Last chance to win tickets to Boston's Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl 2010

Yippee...only 7 more days til I eat about 20 cups of ice cream in less than one hour. Man does that sounds indulgent or what! And only one more day until you can enter to win a pair of tickets to The Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl 2010, the all-you-can-eat ice cream event at Boston City Hall Plaza on June 8-10 from noon until 8pm everyday.

Post a comment by the end of the day Tuesday, June 1 for a chance to win a pair of tickets to this super fun event!


  1. would love to win! Lived here three years and never been, so its about time!

  2. Laurie, we need your contact info in case you win -- the link from your name doesn't work!

  3. sorry Bethany, it may be because I do not have a blog I just logged in with my gmail. However I did just e-mail you my contact info.

