Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ice Cream Social at Scotty's Snacks Blog

Michelle over at Ice Cream Forum (we'll be profiling Ice Cream Forum soon, so stay tuned!) sent us this head's up:

Scotty's Snacks (along with Savor the Thyme and Tangled Noodle) is having an Ice Cream Social over at their blog. Time is running out so head over for more details, but the gist of it is that "everyone can participate by simply submitting photos of ice cream, URL’s for your videos of ice cream and/or URL’s of your home-made ice cream recipe posts to"

These are due by July 31st. Everyone will be recognized for their efforts, and some will even be chosen as prize winners -- which are, as Scotty's says, a "sur-prize!"

(I'm trying to decide which to enter myself...while I like the pomegranate buttermilk photo at left, I wasn't such a fan of the flavor...!)


  1. Mmmm. I wish we could get the scratch and sniff photos implemented here - these ingredients look YUMMY !!

    Thanks for jumping on this, The Ice Cream Social Train, enjoy! :)

  2. Bethany - Did you get my earlier email? I would love to make an announcement about my ice-cream festival as well. Thanks!

  3. Scotty: Thanks! I hope some of our readers take part -- they are awesomely creative!

    Kelsey: I sent you an email!

    Bethany @ Scoopalicious
