Monday, June 8, 2009

Scooper Bowl Boston June 9-11 - All U Can Eat Ice Cream

Seriously, if you work (or live) anywhere near City Hall Plaza in Boston than this weeks water cooler chatter is not about the weather, its about whether or not you are heading over to The 27th Annual Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl for an ice cream lunch or not. Me..I'll most likely be there more than one day and since I am feeding for two these days there is absolutely no guilt!

The nation's largest all-you-can-eat ice cream festival starts tomorrow and ends Thursday. It goes from noon-8pm daily and will offer a few flavors from each of nine different premium brands. So that is about 9 brands times three flavors(some actualy offer more) equalling approx. 27 scoops...and there is always seconds. Thank god for maternity pants that give!

Truly this is a fun event and one of the most anticipated in the summer here in Boston. Its all about how many cups you can proudly stack, little ones covered in creamy sweetness, and just pure ice cream madness all for a good cause, The Jimmy Fund.

Individual tickets can be purchased at the entrance...
$8 for adults (Ages 10 and up)
$4 for kids (ages 3-9)
Free for kids under 3
$15 Scooper Passes available allowing you to attend up to three times are available online

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