Friday, May 8, 2009

Cabot's (Newtonville, MA) 40th Anniversary Flavor Contest

I guess it's that time of year for ice cream contests...though I think this one has been going on for quite a while, I just haven't posted about it yet...Bad B!

Cabot's Ice Cream and Restaurant in Newtonville, Massachusetts* is celebrating its 40th anniversary with an super fun contest with awesome prizes. Though I can't be sure what happens if you win out of state and the prizes aren't that practical for you...maybe you have a friend or a favorite blogger in the area who you could pass our winnings along to?

The game plan is simple: visit the site, fill out your info, and create a new flavor. (You might want to submit that one you sent to the Ben and Jerry's flavor contest a couple of years ago but didn't win...these guys over at Cabot's may have better taste to know that you are a real winner.) Do this by July 20th. And let us know if you are a winner come July 25th!

Prizes? Let's not forget the prizes...

First prize is having your flavor created as a signature flavor at Cabot's (priceless!), a six month supply of your flavor AND a $100.00 gift certificate to Cabot's.

Second prize is a $50.00 gift certificate to Cabot's and the possible use of your flavor creation in the future.

Third prize is a $25.00 gift certificate to Cabot's.

Get thinking and submit your best idea to Cabot's, because there is only one entry per person.

*Here's an irrelevant but interesting factoid I learned on Wikipedia when linking to the Newtonville entry: "Newtonville's Shaw's Supermarket, formerly Star Market, was one of the first companies in the country to buy airspace for construction; the supermarket straddles the Mass Pike." (Of course I knew it straddles the Mass Pike as I have driven under it countless times and even visited it once with my dear friend Lisa, but I never knew it was a pioneer in airspace construction. Hm. The things you learn on the internet.)

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