Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baskin Robbins 31 Cent Scoop Night 4/29

You can tell the weather is getting better...April is chock full of Scoop Specials at all our favorite shops. Coming up next week is Baskin Robbins' 31 cent scoop Night and its for a good cause too. I was lucky enough to make it last year and remember patrons filling quart containers with 31 cent scoops. What a deal!

Visit any Baskin Robbins on Wednesday April 29 from 5pm to 10pm for 31 cent scoops and as a thanks to all volunteer firefighters in America they'll honor them with a $100,000 donation to the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) National Junior Firefighter Program. Your local volunteer fire departments also get the benefits as they partner with your local Baskin Robbins to showcase community support and raise funds for your own department. So get out there next Wednesday and get your 31 cent scoop and help support your local and national volunteer teams. I know I will as my husband is one of the loyal guys giving his time each week (and at 3am calls!) to our local department.

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