Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Perfect winter flavor...Milk Chocolate Guinness Ice Cream

When I came across this one in David Lebovitz's book, A Perfect Scoop, I knew I had to try it or at least make it for Scott. He loves Guinness beer and luckily we usually have a few cans on hand so that makes it even easier. I first tried this at Bethany's Ice Cream Party and absolutely loved it. It is velvety and rich with a slight hint of Guinness. Even if you aren't in love with beer, the mild taste is intriguing and oh so good. I have now made this twice. First time I made it it was super creamy and I actually ate this before completely frozen (having friends over for dinner and of course made it last minute) but it was equally as good. So the second time I didn't have as much luck but I think I know what I did. As I mentioned my husband is fond of Guinness so I thought I'd do him a favor and add more beer for added flavor. Big mistake! Adding more alcohol affects how the ice cream willl freeze so this batch was icier and did not freeze so well. Stick to the original recipe on this one and you can't go wrong. It's a perfect winter flavor to sit on the couch and indulge in!

Milk Chocolate Guinness Ice Cream

7 ounces milk chocolate, finely chopped
1 cup whole milk
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt
4 large egg yolks
1 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup Guinness Stout
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Put the chocolate pieces in a large bowl and set a mesh strainer over the top.

Warm the milk, sugar, and salt in a medium saucepan. In a separate medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks. Slowly pour the warm mixture into the egg yolks, whisking constantly, then scrape the warmed egg yolks back into the saucepan.

Stir the mixture constantly over medium heat with a heatproof spatula, scraping the bottom as you stir, until the mixture thickens and coats the spatula. Pour the custard through the strainer over the milk chocolate, then stir until the chocolate is melted. Once the mixture is smooth, whisk in the cream, then the Guinness and vanilla. Stir until cool over an ice bath.

Chill the mixture thoroughly in the refrigerator, then freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.


  1. This is definitely our favorite flavor (so far!) from the Perfect Scoop. I had no idea what to except, but it was fantastic.

  2. isn't it yummy??! I make people try and guess the flavor.

  3. Sounds intriguing. I cooked with Guinness once and it made everything bitter. You're ice cream wasn't bitter?
    I'll have to try the recipe-it's too interesting to pass up. :)
