Friday, August 1, 2008

And the winner is...

We have a winner from the Onesie Cone-test! Congrats to Christine! Christine's favorite was the white onesie with the pink cone.

73% of you preferred the white onesie and the remaining 27% of you preferred the pink onesie. This was not, however, without tons of wonderful suggestions, ideas and comments. Thank you! I will be attempting to make different colors, styles, etc. based on the feedback. I think my first order of business (based on the feedback) is to make some more unisex versions...maybe a mint colored scoop or lemon?

If you weren't a winner, onesies can be purchased by contacting me or by visiting my etsy site. (The particular design is not available yet, but will be soon and variations of the style will also be available based on your suggestions. Please also feel free to get in touch if you would like to be notified when new versions are available.)

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