Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lyndonville, Vermont: Carmen's Ice Cream

I spent last weekend in Vermont. After a day of craft fairing with our Shadow Lake neighbors, we stopped for pizza and then ice cream at Carmen's Ice Cream at the Lyndon Freighthouse.

Carmen's was quite popular that afternoon, as the line ran off the porch into the parking lot. Unfortunately, because of the setup, one has to be almost at the window to even see the list of flavors. I didn't find this the most effective, because having never been there, I wasn't even able to begin imagining what flavors were available to choose from.

As Carmen's boasts over 60 flavors, the truth of the matter was I had a very hard time deciding on what I would have once I got within reading distance. The time finally came that I was standing at the window and I had to decide...I wanted something local and summery, so I decided on Maine Blueberry, which, though summery, was not quite local. Oh well. Local or not, it was creamy, sweet and a prefect summertime treat, and my mouth still waters to talk about it.

The preteen girls I was with were more daring. Segolene and Katia decided on cotton candy, which I still regret not getting, because I have always wanted to try it. Tess had a cone of peanut butter caramel cookie dough. Like me, Leslie (not a preteen) was a little more mellow and opted for a strawberry shortcake sundae, which she described as "unbelievably fabulous."

This seems like a new favorite Vermont destination to me -- I'd say Lyndonville has at least two claims to fame, if not more: Bag Balm (yep, they make it here) and Carmen's.

[Scoopalicious is celebrating National Ice Cream month with a Post-A-Day throughout the month of July!]

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